Dear colleagues,
I hope that the term has begun well. I am looking forward to the Branch events and initiatives in 2024 that will promote the vision of ACEL as a peak organization committed to growing and nurturing the collective wisdom of educational leaders, of leveraging our individual and collective cross sectoral strengths and of providing opportunities for learning to engender a leadership worldview.
To that end on 14 March 2024, at our ACT Awards ceremony which will be held at the Loft, we will esteem the leadership of colleagues from each of our sectors in a number of categories. On behalf of the ACT Branch Executive and members, I wish to express my gratitude to those colleagues who nominated leaders for an Award, to thank the Awards Committee for their work in discerning the nominations, and to express our admiration and affirmation of all who have been successful in each of the categories.
I am delighted to announce the following awards:
ACT ACEL Fellowship
Tim McNevin
Growing in Leadership
Erin White St - Mary MacKillop College
Sophie Krieger - Canberra Grammar
Excellence in Leadership
Bec Smith ACT Education Directorate
Lisa Hivers – Galilee School
Peter McDonald – Canberra Girls Grammar
Susan Chant – St Thomas the Apostle Kambah
Tracey Lee Ellis – Woden Valley Early Learning Centre
ACEL Life Member
Helen Halling
We have settled on a date for the much anticipated Ministers Breakfast which is 17 May 2024, so please save this and consider bringing some colleagues along. Each of the leaders of each of our sectors, Katie Haire, ACT Director General of Education, Ross Fox, Executive Director of Catholic Education and Andrew Ridley Director of the AIS, along with the Deputy Chief Minister and ACT Minister for Education are great supporters of this event and regular attendees, so we are anticipating a very successful occasion.
Please continue to promote ACEL and the value of ACEL membership with our colleagues in the ACT, especially those who are new to the profession. I look forward to seeing you at our events in the coming months.
With best wishes
Sandra Darley
ACEL ACT Branch President