Tasmania Branch Messages

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The ACEL Tasmanian Branch recent ‘Hot Topic’ on Professional Conduct created a great deal of discussion and questions. This is such an important and challenging area for Educational Leaders, one well worth spending time on. Thank you to the TRB for providing the expertise and to everyone who was able to join us. The ACEL Awards will be held in September, and we are once again seeking nominations . There are a range of awards that are able to recognise Educational Leaders in various stages of their career. We urge you to nominate an outstanding Educational Leader. They are perhaps an inspiring and influential leader, contribute to the professional learning ...
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We hope your school year has started positively and you are now in a position to join us for our annual welcome event. This event is always a great way to start the year by renewing connections and making new ones. It is an opportunity to share our successes so far and perhaps gain support with our challenges. We are looking forward to hearing how ACEL can support you and what you would like to be engaged with during the upcoming school year. We are combining a social and networking gathering with an opportunity to hear from three long-standing ACEL members who can share some insights into what ACEL has meant and can mean in one’s professional life. We ...
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Our Annual Awards evening was held on Thursday the 7th of September. The ceremony celebrates Educational Leadership with friendship and joy. This year we are delighted the ACEL CEO Barbara Watterston has been able to join us. Thank you for everyone who took the time to nominate colleagues for recognition as an outstanding Educational Leader in their field. Our recipients are a diverse group, representing different areas of our beautiful state, different sectors and certainly a broad range of purposeful work. Congratulations to our award recipients for 2023 ACEL TAS Branch Fellowship Deb Day Malcolm Elliott ACEL TAS Eminent Educator Award Clair ...