
VIC Branch News: November 2023

By Annette Rome posted 02-11-2023 14:42


2024 Vic Committee: Cameron Paterson, Melissa Riley, Prof David Gurr, Hayley Dureau, Dr Ashley Pratt, Lauren Sayer, Kara Baxter , Dr Annette Rome, Dr Steven Kolber (Absent: Charlotte Forwood, Fiona Hutton , Fiona Longmuir)


Welcome to the VIC Branch of ACEL.

As the Victorian Branch President, I am pleased to welcome you. It is an exciting time for education in Australasia and I look forward to stimulating, thoughtful and meaningful times ahead. The Australian Council of Educational Leaders (ACEL) was formed in 1973, and is the peak educational leadership organisation in Australasia. It plays a significant role in shaping practice and professional growth. I have long been passionate about our profession and believe that we need to be as proactive as possible in terms of sharing our knowledge, understanding and capabilities to cement the belief that good teaching and learning involves mastery of a body of knowledge that sits alongside discipline knowledge. Outstanding teaching is an art and a science.

The Victorian Branch Executive is committed to the ACEL Mission, Guiding Principles and Goals, which are reflected in the Strategic Plan. We promote the advancement of our profession through the sharing of research, practice and knowledge development across all sectors in Australasia: Catholic, Government and Independent as well as organisations from other nations.

ACEL actively supports all educators at every age and stage. Our Patron, Dr Brian Caldwell, has been a leading researcher, educator and influencer in Australia for many decades. His contribution to ACEL is reflected in the annual Brian Caldwell Research Award and the Patron’s Oration.

ACEL Awards, Fellowships and scholarships are amongst the highest accolades an educator can receive and are open to educators in early learning through to the tertiary level. The Victorian Annual Awards Celebration is held in high esteem within the Victorian Educational community. This is an annual event with the presentation of the ‘Hedley Beare Educational Leader of the Year’ being a special highlight. ACEL awards are recognition by the profession, for the profession.

I invite all who read this to feel that they can contribute to our profession, and to ACEL. Please just reach out and have a conversation: whether you are new to the profession or have decades of experience behind you. ACEL provides a powerful base on which to develop your knowledge and support your professional growth. It gives practitioners access to researchers and leading lights in education, nationally and internationally. 

We are the voice of the profession – let us echo yours.


Retiring Vic Committee members: Louisa Rennie, Prof Jane Wilkinson, Melissa Etherton, Coralee Pratt (President) , Prof Lawrie Drysdale


Annette Rome 
ACEL VIC Branch President

