
WA Branch News: February 2024

By Mathilda Joubert posted 06-02-2024 12:44


A Culture of Conversation

I hope the new school year is off to a brilliant start in all the different educational institutions where our Western Australian ACEL members serve.  Over the holidays I was reflecting on what I value most about my involvement with ACEL WA over the years, and I realised it is the culture of conversation. ACEL has provided me with rich opportunities for deep and meaningful conversations about learning, teaching and leading, often crossing traditional boundaries of role, system, sector, stage or age. These conversations continue to enrich my professional journey, which is why I remain invested in ACEL.


As educators we know that a vibrant culture of classroom conversation isn’t just a pedagogical preference; it is a catalyst for accelerated learning. The essence of a culture of classroom conversation lies not merely in talk for its own sake but in creating opportunities for authentic discussions about the learning process. This involves delving into the heart of what students truly think, believe, and understand. Genuine conversation becomes a powerful tool for educators to gauge the depth of comprehension, identify misconceptions, and tailor their teaching approaches to address individual needs effectively. When classroom discussions were robust, focused, and deliberately organised around challenging and relevant content, the effect size on learning doubled, reaching an impressive 0.82 (Hattie, 2023).


The same is true for conversations with fellow educational leaders. Cultivating a culture of conversation among educational leaders can foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and fuel our shared passion for education. This not only enhances the effectiveness of individual leaders but can contribute to the overall improvement of education across our state. The benefits can extend beyond the walls of individual schools, creating a collaborative and dynamic environment that positively impacts students, educators, and the community at large.


Throughout the year the ACEL WA Branch executive team organise a range of events to create opportunities for such inspired conversations. The team members are all practicing professionals in a range of educational leadership positions across all systems and sectors, who dedicate their time to create opportunities for educators, by educators. We hope that you will join us for these conversations. Below is a summary of some of our regular events we run each year plus a spotlight focus on a few specific special upcoming events. Please keep up to date with events and activities organised ACEL WA throughout the year through the ACEL website or by following us on one of our branch social media accounts on LinkedIn, on X (Twitter), or on Facebook.


Upcoming Events


Breakfast with the Minister and Sector Leaders

We are kicking off the year’s ACEL WA Branch events with a Breakfast conversation on Thursday the 22nd of February from 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM at the Fraser Suites at 10 Adelaide Terrace in Perth. Join us for a collegial conversation with the Minister for Education and education leaders across all systems and sectors to explore the challenges and opportunities for education in Western Australia in 2024. We are delighted to be joined for this conversation by the Minister for Education as well as all three sector leaders.


  • The Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, Minister for Education; Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship; and Multicultural Interests
  • Lisa Rodgers, Director General, Department of Education
  • Wayne Bull, Executive Director, Catholic Education Western Australia
  • Chris Massey, Executive Director, Association of Independent Schools of WA

As educational leaders navigate the landscape of 2024, we confront a dynamic blend of challenges and opportunities that shape the future of learning. The aftermath of global disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the continued geo-political instability in the world and a national teacher shortage has accentuated the need for resilience and adaptability in educational leadership. Navigating diverse learning modalities, addressing learning gaps, and prioritising the well-being of students and staff have become critical imperatives. Moreover, the mandate to instil future-focused capabilities, including critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy – in our learners and teachers – adds a layer of complexity to educational leadership. However, within these challenges lie tremendous opportunities. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, embracing diversity, and cultivating an innovative mindset, educational leaders in 2024 have the chance to reshape education fundamentally, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of an ever-evolving global landscape.

I encourage you to book your seat to become part of the conversation and bring some colleagues along by following the link to the ACEL website.


Leading Innovation in Education Network meetings

Throughout the year we run a two-hour Leading Innovation in Education Network meeting

once a term where we invite educational leaders from across the different sectors and systems to informally share case studies of Leading Innovation in their educational settings, discussing the joys and challenges of managing change. The topics vary widely, from innovations introduced for staff, to students or the community, related to curriculum, pedagogy, technology, cultural engagement, ways of working or indeed anything else. We visit a different school each time to explore innovation in action and the conversations are always insightful. Dates for this year are: Friday 8 March, Wednesday 5 June, Tuesday 6 August and Tuesday 22 October. Please find further details throughout the year or book your place via the ACEL website under the WA Branch events. All Innovation Network events are free.


Educational Leadership Book Clubs

Every term we choose a book to read and then get together to engage in conversations around the book. We meet in Perth (with an optional Zoom link) during the school holidays and a group meets in the South West towards the end of teach term to discuss the same book. We are currently reading Viviane Robinson’s book “Virtuous Educational Leadership: Doing the Right Work the Right Way” and will discuss it in Perth on the 11th of April.  Please find further details throughout the year or book your place via the ACEL website under the WA Branch events. All book club events are free.


Dr Lyn Sharratt – Clarity Learning Suite

ACEL is in the process of planning a special event on Tuesday the 26th of March with Dr Lyn Sharratt from The University of Toronto, in partnership with the University of Notre Dame. Lyn is a great friend of ACEL and we welcome her back to Western Australia. Please keep an eye out through the website and social media for further details.


Leading Data-Informed Change with Dr Selena Fisk

On Friday the 17th of May 12.30pm – 3.30pm the amazing Dr Selena Fisk (the absolute queen of data and a lovely person to boot) will be running a half-day workshop in Perth on “Leading Data-Informed Change”. Please see the ACEL website for further information about the workshop.


To a Year of Conversations

As we embark on a new academic year filled with endless possibilities and opportunities, let us lean into the collective wisdom and collaboration that can be unlocked through collegial conversation. Embracing a culture of conversation with fellow educational leaders is not just a commitment to dialogue; it is a pledge to the transformative potential that arises when minds converge, ideas flourish, and experiences intertwine. In the tapestry of Western Australian education, your voice is a vibrant thread, but the true masterpiece emerges when woven with the rich hues of insights shared by others. This year I invite you to join as many conversations as you can. Let’s build bridges that connect our aspirations, challenges, and triumphs and break down any walls that may divide us. Together, we can foster an educational landscape where innovation thrives, solutions are born, and the echoes of our conversations reverberate in the corridors of change. Here is to a year of dialogue, growth, and shared discovery.

Have a wonderful year!


Mathilda Joubert
ACEL WA Branch President

