
QLD Branch News: November 2023

By Elizabeth Foster posted 02-11-2023 12:57


These final months of the academic year provide opportunity to reflect, recognise progress and celebrate these successes.  In doing so, we acknowledge the potential for us all to determine what we do with what we have in our hands.

In beginning this term in office, it is certainly important that we recognise the remarkable legacy of those who have led and contributed to ACEL Queensland across the years.  Karen Fox, for your leadership, initiative and ensuring cohesion and progress for our Queensland branch, we say, bravo and thank, you.  We also recognise our departing Queensland Executive of Tracey Cook, Liz Benson, Norm Hunter, Alexander Mason and Sandra Nissen for the enormity of hours, thinking and contribution, for many, service across six years in our ACEL Queensland Executive.

It is a privilege to welcome our new and continuing Queensland Branch Executive of Bruce Addison, Lee Catterall. Tameika Grist, John O’Sullivan Williams, Sarah Gunn, Daniel Johnson, Adam Kuss and Tania Leach.  


National Conference 2023
We were delighted to welcome our wider ACEL community to Queensland in October for our National Conference.  In considering the conference, an overwhelming sense of positivity to hear people highlight the diversity of voices amplified: our indigenous, early career and curriculum leaders; all people contributing to our shared understanding of history and the belief that we have the wisdom and courage to meet future complexities in education.
A genuine pride in our profession evident in words and actions across the conference.  As a Queensland Executive, we thank members of our Queensland team for their delivery of concurrent sessions, synthesis of conference ideas and the initiative of our Yarning Circle, by design and intent, a place of belonging and conversation. 


ACELQ 2024

In aligning our Queensland ACEL Branch Strategy with our ACEL national Strategic Plan, there is an opportunity to align and strengthen existing programs like Pivotal People, Darling Downs Convenors.  We look forward to engaging proactively with new and emerging leaders.  Further considerations include: 

  • What actions will facilitate connections across all education sectors in Queensland? 
  • With strength in membership and connections in the south-east area of the state, how will we encourage contribution from our colleagues in other parts of Queensland? 
  • Where do we currently see Queensland actions aligned to ACEL Strategic Pillars? 
  • How will our learnings in Queensland contribute to ACEL as a national organisation?

An integral component of our leadership of our Qld ACEL branch is the continuing presence of The Statement of Commitment to the Profession of Teaching.  As noted on our Qld Branch ACEL webpage and included below for your information in positioning us for the future.  The Statement of Commitment to the Profession of Teaching is a voluntary declaration of a set of values and beliefs about the profession of teaching. It was drafted by educators, for educators, and formally launched by the Governor of Queensland on 7 April 2017. The address delivered by His Excellency, The Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, may be viewed here.

As the Queensland Executive, we look forward to our continuing contribution towards a national organisation that positively promotes and shapes educational leadership and capability building across sectors and states, nationally and internationally. 

We are energised by the prospect of involvement in the creation of nationally connected learning communities enabling shared discourse, research, and participation in educational leadership policy development, underpinned by our ACEL vision and enactment of strategic imperatives. 


Professional Learning with ACEL Queensland 

In pausing to consider the recent ACELQ events we are encouraged by the momentum in participation as seen in the activities below.

ACELQ Pivotal People Brisbane 
Topic: Curriculum Leadership

Our Brisbane Pivotal People team, with a purpose of providing professional learning for middle leaders, by middle leaders hosted their final event for 2023 on Wednesday 11th of October at Brisbane Boys Grammar from 5:00- 6:30pm. 

This was the first time that our ACELQ branch has offered an event as a hybrid experience.  With over 110 people attending in person and virtually, we anticipate, in an attempt to connect people across our state, the use of this hybrid format in the year ahead. 


ACELQ Time for Reflection 

ACEL Queensland’s ‘Time for Reflection’ is an initiative of the ACELQ Branch Executive members. An original reflective piece, perhaps something that has prompted our thinking, inspired us, or given us cause for deeper reflection. The aim is to provide our members with something to read as their own ‘time for reflection.’

The following reflection is from Tameika Grist, ACELQ Executive member and Principal, St Mary’s College, Maryborough. Available in our ACEL website News and Blogs section, Tameika considers the concept: Say Yes More as a result of an invitation to appear on ABC Education Q and A Special.

“Although I headed into this with nerves, it was also excitement; and the chance to learn by doing something new, taking me out of my comfort zone. I would say it has been one of the highlights of the year for me. It reignited that passion for improving education beyond my own walls, and to keep being a part of the conversation; to dialogue and share across a broad network of educators improving education for all.”

As we look towards the conclusion of this year and the one ahead, we would like to understand your answer to the questions we are currently asking in how we might best serve our ACEL Queensland community,

  • What actions can we take as an ACEL Queensland Executive and community that will facilitate connections across all education sectors in Queensland? 
  • With strength in membership and connections in the south-east area of the state, how will we encourage contribution from our colleagues in other areas in our State? 

We encourage members to send your responses by email.  If you have questions or if we can be of any other assistance, please contact our Branch by email:

Thank you for your contribution to our profession.


Liz Foster
ACEL QLD Branch President

