
Message from the CEO, Term 1 2024

By Barbara Watterston posted 29-02-2024 11:06


The excitement and tapestry of possibilities for what the 2024 school year might look like creates a canvas for new beginnings. We are in a moment in time marked by significant global and local challenges and complexities that require all of us who are educators to respond steadily, creatively, and in ways that nourish the human spirit.

The theme of reimagining introduced in this first edition of AEL will build throughout the year culminating in our national conference: Reimagining Education: A Future Beyond Boundaries for schooling, educational leadership, our profession, our future. A timely reminder to put Adelaide 30 September – 2 October in your diaries now.

Our value proposition is our connectedness to all who engage with us highlighting the importance of community, collaboration, and the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience. Nationally and through our branches this exchange is brought to life responsively and in context providing a powerful driver for growth and learning interconnected to diverse perspectives and shared insights. Reimagining for all of us here at ACEL sees us clearly focused on service to our members and the education community with relentless optimism to support, and importantly build upon and celebrate the dignity and honour of our profession. In doing so we are connected to and engaged with significant collaborative partners who continue to provide momentum and expertise in the pursuit of providing meaningful opportunities to learn with and from each other. So, what’s in store for 2024?

ACEL Members’ Lounge and Leaders’ Library ( – we have a wealth of content and resources FREE to access for all members along with an exclusive open discussion forum for idea sharing and networking across Australia and beyond. Great steps in 2023 have been made to make this content more accessible and to ensure our members realise these benefits. Our principles and strategy for 2024 will be to:

  • Put members in direct contact with rich content that suits their individual professional needs and interests in order to bridge the barriers between what they want and how easily available it is for them to access it.

  • Foster a greater sense of community and connection between all members, both generally as ACEL members and in relation to library content.
  • Remove barriers to members’ access and participation to content and events.
  • Identify and utilise opportunities for vital information gathering to lead future initiatives to support our valued members.

ACELearn - We are delighted to unveil ACELearn which transforms our dynamic professional learning offerings as a nationally recognised provider of choice, a one stop shop for educators to support their professional development needs – personally, professionally, and collaboratively. This service amplifies our ability to respond with agility to individuals, schools, regions, networks and systems across multiple sectors providing public, bespoke and tailored offerings in areas middle and senior leadership; beginning and early career teachers, trust and psychological safety, and building collective efficacy. We also can deliver a number of outstanding certified programs including Teach Like A Champion, Crucial Conversations, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and High Impact Teaching Teams.

Join us in celebrating the dawn of a new era in professional learning with ACELearn.
